Project Management Training organized by K7 Business Network in Partnership with Training and Development Consultancy. August 29th to 31st 2023.

August 2023: Capacity Building of 10 girls and women in ILO-SIYB Entrepreneurship Program organized, sponsored and conducted by K7 Business Network.

6th February 2021. One Day Workshop organized by K7 Business Network on How to Start, Grow and Expand a Business, and Tax Management for VSEs and SMEs.

February 2021. Training of Youths in Bamenda in Entrepreneurship using the ILO- SIYB Package.

April 2021 Training of Trainers and Sub Business Consultants organized by K7 Business Network.

December 2022 Capacity Building in Entrepreneurship for Oku Youths Development Association.
January 2023 Training Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Leadership Organized by the Regional Delegation of Youths and Civic Education for the North West Region in Partnership with K7 Business Network.
Feb 2023 Seminar and Workshop on Generating Good Business Ideas and Tax Management organized by K7 Business Network.
March 2023 Training of Entrepreneurs and Enterprise owners in the ILO-SIYB Package organized by APME in partnership with ILO.

April 2023. Issuance of Attestation of Training to Entrepreneurs trained by K7 Business Network. 

Presentation of Business Plans developed by Trainees during Entrepreneurship Training organized by K7 Business Network.
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